Man holding card and phone

New Digital Banking

Get ready for a new online and mobile experience!

We are so excited to announce that our new Online Banking and Mobile App systems are now live. You may need to delete and reinstall our mobile app to pick up the updated version. If you are already enrolled in our online and mobile banking, your current username and password will not work. ALL USERS WILL NEED TO REGISTER TO ACCESS OUR UPDATED SYSTEMS!
Friendly Reminder: Updating your BHFCU mobile app will not grant you access. You must register your account again.

Frequently asked questions

  • What do I need in order to register?
    • An email and/or mobile number is needed for the first login. You’ll be able to register the account, however you’ll be unable to log-in until there is a mobile number and/or email address on file for the account you used for registration.
      • There is a security feature where you will get a verification PIN to verify your identity. You will have the option to receive this via text or email.
    • Will I need to re-download the app?
      • There will be an update pushed out for those who already have the app installed. If you have automatic updates turned on in your phone’s settings, the app should automatically update. Depending on your settings, you may need to manually update the app.

Account centric vs member centric
  • Why am I seeing accounts I didn’t see before?
    • We upgraded our system to enhance our member experience for those members who have ownership across multiple accounts to provide ease of having one username for all accounts attached to your SSN. This system also provides enhanced security to ensure that only those owners on your account who are attached to sub-shares and loans will have access.

  • Can a Joint owner opt an account into e-statements?
    • Yes.
  • Will a primary member be charged a statement fee if their joint owner has OLB access even if the primary does not?
    • No.
  • During registration, which “toggle’ is selecting e-statements?
    • When the toggle is “Green” it means you are selecting to enroll that account in E-statements.

General Usage
  • How can I hide accounts that I don’t want to see?
    • This has to be done in online banking. The changes will be reflected going forward in the app. Click on “Edit Hidden Accounts” at the top of the page. You’ll then have the ability to select any accounts and/or shares you would like to hide.
    • In order to see any accounts that have been hidden, you can simply click “Show Hidden Accounts” at the top of the page.
  • Can I re-arrange my accounts in the order I would like to see them?
    • Yes, you must do this on online banking and the changes will immediately reflect in the mobile banking. To do so, hover over the two dotted lines beside the account icon and wait for the curser to turn into a four-way arrow. Then drag the accounts in the order you wish to see them.
  • What is the difference between “Quick Login” and “Login”?
    • “Quick Login” will trigger biometric authentication (fingerprint or facial recognition), whereas “Login” will prompt the user to login by using their password.
  • Can you nickname accounts? Ex: Naming Main Savings “Payroll Account”
    • Yes, but only from online banking not from the app.
      • From the Account Overview page, click on the account and click on the Pencil Icon beside the Account Name. Click the checkmark on the right hand side to save.
  • Can you “Nickname” loans as well?
    • Yes, you must remove the text and enter the new name. By doing so, you will no longer see the due date and amount due in the description, but will still see this information in grey off to the side of the Loan Description.
  • When transferring to Another Member, what happens when the member selects “I don’t know share/loan ID”?
    • Money will be transferred to the first available checking account on the other member’s account. If there is not a checking account, funds will be deposited into the next available savings share.
  • When transferring to Another Member, I entered 0000 and 0090 and received a “Invalid Share ID” message.
    • When entering the share ID to transfer to a savings or checking, there must be an S: preceding the ID for example, for a Main Savings the share ID entered must be S:0000.
    • When entering a share ID to transfer funds to a loan, there must be an L: preceding the ID for example, to transfer to Loan 0001 the share ID entered must be L:0001.
  • Can you transfer from any revolving loans (CREDIT CARD, HELOC, Revolving Credit) to another loan?
    • No, you can only transfer to a share account from our revolving loans.
  • What is the “Switch User Account” on the mobile app?
    • This is a feature for when a member has ownership on multiple accounts. It will affect features such as Card Controls and Remote Mobile Deposit. For example, when using mobile deposit, depending on where the member wants to deposit a check, they may need to “Switch User Account” so they can get the correct shares in the dropdown to deposit. Similarly, if the member is not seeing the card they wish to see, they may need to “Switch User Account” if they have different cards associated with different accounts.

Account to Account (A2A) External Transfers
  • How do I set up an external transfer?
    • From Online Banking- under the Transfers & Payments tab, you will select “External Transfers”.
    • From the Mobile- select Manage External Payees. Click on the “+” beside “External Account Payees”.
    • **You will then need to verify the two micro-deposits to the other institution to complete set-up.
  • What shares can I originate an A2A transfer from?
    • Main Savings or Checking
  • What shares can an incoming A2A transfer post to?
    • Main Savings, Checking or Loans.

Megaphone icon linking to See What's New Page

what's new?

Checking Plus Rewards and more! 
Wallet icon linking to Digital Wallet page

digital wallet

Talk about convenience! Make purchases directly from your mobile device using Digital Wallet
Address book icon

member contact center




Woman paying by touching phone to reader

smartphone payments with a tap

Quicker payment options are here: Google Pay, Apple Pay or Samsung Pay. Digital Wallet Details
Bowl of change

a new way to save

Have the ‘digital change’ from your debit card transactions rounded up to the next dollar and deposited into a savings account! Cool concept, eh? Coin Catcher Details
Man holding phone and card

complete card control

Manage your credit & debit card from your phone and online banking; turn it on/off, control spending limits, set transaction alerts and more.