For Children 12 and Under
You can’t start too early when teaching kids to be financially responsible. In fact you might be surprised how quickly they become aware of material things. As soon as children turn on a TV, or go to school they become increasingly aware of the world around them. They want items, like toys and clothes that they see advertised or that their friends have. And as someone who will be guiding a child, you want your kids to fit in, without spoiling them.
When they join the Dollar Dog Kids Club, children receive an Official Club Membership Card, a Quarter Holder, and a Dollar Dog Clubhouse Card that will allow them to earn prizes as they save. Whenever they deposit $5.00 into their account, we will punch their Clubhouse Card and they can pick a prize from Dollar Dog’s treat basket. *Limit of one prize per member per week* Once they fill their card, they can turn it in for a “special” prize from Dollar Dog!
Does your child love to color? Print a coloring page from the Dollar Dog Website (Opens in a new Window), let them color it and then bring it in to any Bayer HFCU office and they can pick a prize from Dollar Dog’s treat basket! *Limit of one prize per member per week* We will proudly display their coloring page in our lobby for one month.
Yep, we have them! Bayer HFCU is awarding $7,000 to college seeking seniors this year. Scholarship Requirements